Simple and Easy Jewellery Mehndi Design

Simple and Easy Jewellery Mehndi Design

Jewellery mehndi design is traditionally applied towards the back of the palms and hands. Mehndi designs are usually large for back arms and are not as complicated as Mehndi designs on palms, so that they can be prominently visible. This general choice of backhand hendy design is prepared using complex leaf shaped forms. The main string of the leaves goes down only through the middle finger, so that the rings and other accessories can be worn easily on other fingers, hide the henna designs. Tips for fingers are beautifully decorated with short designs.

Jewellery Mehndi Design -Simple and Easy |Thought of Creation Thought of Creation – Video Tutorial

It is a perfect example of how Mehdi designs for backhand is how Henna can be used as an assistant. It starts with the middle finger on both hands and goes behind the arm till the wrist. This design looks perfectly like jewelery where the ring is attached to the ring and it covers the back of the hand. Pattern with flower flowers and bead works is kept very traditional.


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